2021 guidance card, and musings on the Wild Rose
My Guide card for the year ahead is the Wild Rose
While it can be all too easy to see this card as relationship bliss, I think it can oversimplify things.
The suit of Summer (Cups) deals with emotions, and interactions with others outside ourselves. The number two usually indicates two forces, or two entities. Possibly a duality, or opposites combining.
While the idea of joyous connection often conjures up ideas of lovers it is possible to push the boundaries of a bit further. This can be a connection with any two forces and extended beyond romance to platonic, familial, or even ideal work relationships.
Wild Rose asks you to take note of what it is you’re happily connected to, and that can be yourself too. How do we nurture and care for these relationships? How to we maintain and show respect to what we love?
When we find ourselves being overly critical it’s important to take a step back. What is it we enjoy and appreciate? It can be a rebellious act to genuinely come forward with a willingness to connect. And it doesn’t need to feel as cheesy as some “love heals all” saying, too.