don't fear the Death card
There is nothing to fear when the Death card appears... unless you’re resistant to endings.
While many worry this card is an omen of a literal death, it is actually more metaphorical. It calls upon a need to let something go- or come to a close. Often whatever it may be is deep rooted; a habit we have carried for a long time and leaned on in times of scarcity, hurt, or despair. We may imagine that this trait is just a part of who we are, and we feel reluctant to part with it. But holding on is just limiting our growth and potential.
Learn to let go of what no longer serves us. To no longer fear the mini-deaths we need to live through to keep on living. Take time to revere and thank whatever it is we’re moving on from, for its place in our lives, but know it’s time to part ways. And something we can’t even imagine will suddenly spring up from its place.