planning for the future, Two of Spring
This card.
For whatever reason Crocus, two of Spring, has been a card that keeps occurring for me- often in reverse. I’d look at it, feel a bit confused, and push it out of my mind.
But suddenly, today, it hit me with such clarity I don’t even understand why it was so confusing before.
Two of Spring (wands) is all about that first stage of planning for the future. You’ve been hit with that new inspiration energy and you’re ready to get that head start on some long term goals.
Teamwork can also be another important aspect of this card. The one part I truly grasped more than I think was necessary. While asking for help, and working as a team can be important and valuable aspects when working toward your dreams, you don’t have to wait around for the exact person to appear. Examine your goals and explore what avenues can take you there, and perhaps as you clear all of this up the right help will effortlessly show up.
Only you can know exactly what the right path towards your future can look like. And while it’s constructive to make plans, also be careful not to hold too rigidly to them. Leave space for the unexpected opportunities to arise as well.