familiarity breeds contempt, the Four of Summer
It can be too easy to get caught up in any kind of routine. It can feel challenging to face things we see everyday, the people we surround ourselves with, and motivating ourselves to do routine daily tasks with vigor and enthusiasm.
Sometimes you just want to look at all that and scream. We want to blame it all for the feelings of grey monotony in our lives.
Familiarity can breed contempt.
But we mustn’t forget that we have a role in how we see the world. If we were caught up in an overwhelming slew of changes, we would crave this level of comfort and regularly.
This is the lesson of the Four of Summer (Cups), Desert Sage.
While it is easy to project our discomfort outward, and a change of scenery definitely can be a useful tool, we also can’t underestimate the power of our own thoughts. Examine what you’re dissatisfied with. Is it a thing you may have outgrown and need to move on from? Or are you assuming you’ve experienced every nook and cranny of that experience, and it’s lost it’s power of magic or wonder?
It’s these assumptions and things we “take for granted” that make things feel mundane. Perhaps it’s time to shed those preconceived notions so we can explore these grounded relationships even more.
And if it’s still not for us, yes, let go of it! Thank it for its wisdom, protection, and support. Release it with no resentment.
But we hold the power to change our interaction with what we do and see daily. Own this power within.