on balance, Temperance
It’s no coincidence that Fall and Libra season begin on the same day. We are being asked to look at the scales within to make sure things are in balance.
But it’s important to understand that sometimes the scales need to be tipped to move their way back to center.
You may be pulled to pacify all that is uncomfortable, but if what you’re siding with does not align with your peace is it truly worth feeding into?
Cattails sit along the water’s edge filtering out the still pond to keep it alive and thriving. Keep a clear mind of what it is you want to see and cultivate in the world. Do what you can to filter out the toxins.
Observing from the sidelines may feel counterproductive, but if you keep your awareness active to what you are observing this act is not purely stillness. You are finding your roots, clinging to the edge, and creating a grounding element within yourself.
From there you can jump into the fray and not get caught up in the shifting world around you. To remain true to Justice in the midst of chaos is Libra’s highest calling. It’s immediate urge to quell unpleasantries is best used with intention and purpose, not for comforting others at the cost of your own values.
You’re just undoing your own work when you try to please what is not serving you. Or your community.