the Tarot of Plants
Solar Edition
the Tarot of Plants is my first ever tarot deck. one i created in three different forms with two different styles. a plant-based Tarot deck that draws upon the meanings of both the Smith-Rider-Waite and the Wild Unknown decks. 78 cards represented by plants selected because of their personalities and properties to align with the archetypes found in Tarot, this deck is the perfect companion for folks who love and feel connected to the botanical world.
the Full Moon edition of the Tarot of Plants (black on white, poker sized, tuck box) was the first iteration of these three decks. this deck contains simple line drawings that were illustrated from start to finish over 11 days. i had been imagining this deck for years, and finally found the energy to complete it in the fall of 2015. there are also planetary and elemental correspondences on most the cards that come from Cunningham’s Magical Encyclopedia of Plants. these pocket-sized cards are perfect to tuck away into a bag to bring along on your favorite hike.
New Moon Edition and 2015 Guidebook
New Moon Edition
the New Moon edition of the Tarot of Plants (white on black, poker sized, hard box) was the second version to be released in summer 2017. it contains the same imagery of the Full Moon deck, just inverted, to give it a bit darker and more mysterious a look.
the Solar edition of the Tarot of Plants (color, tarot sized, hard box) was completed early 2019 and included all new watercolor illustrations of each of the plants in the previous decks. a handful of botanical characters changed from the Moon editions to this one (Tomato became Lemon Balm. the poisonous plants of the “swords” suit became parasitic plants instead. etc.), the planetary/element correspondences were dropped, and each of the suits took on their own color backgrounds to offer visual ease when sorting.
Full Moon Edition
Solar Edition
in 2022 I decided my time with these decks was coming to a close in order to make room for more creations going forward. but it most likely won’t be my last botanical tarot endeavor. a huge thank to everyone who has made a special place in their heart and homes for the Tarot of Plants.